.: Examples of people who shouldn't be exemplary :.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

How to Perform Correct Head Spotting for the Man's

Perform  Correct Head Spotting for the Man's Part in a Basic Bronze American Cha  Cha
Perform Correct Head Spotting for the Man's Part in a Basic Bronze American Cha Cha

Head spotting originated in ballet, though it has made its way as a basic technique in all dance forms from hip hop to ballroom. It is a very important technique to learn early on and can make any pattern or routine look sharper and cleaner. Below is a description of some head spotting points for men to keep in mind when attempting a basic Bronze American Cha Cha routine for the following: basic, cross-body lead, crossover, spot turn, chase, and three chas back and three chas forward.

Difficulty: Moderate
  1. Step 1

    Look straight ahead at your partner for basic. When going into cross body, snap your head to face the same direction your body is facing on the "and" beat following beat "3." This allows you to still maintain visual contact with your partner up until the very last point, when you both transfer weight before the chasse of the cross-body lead.

  2. Step 2

    Snap the head again to face forward/your partner as you chasse into the crossover break on beat "3" following the chasse of the cross body.

  3. Step 3

    Snap the head quickly to face forward on beat "2" when you open up. Keep it there on beat "3" and then snap it back to face your partner on the "and" immediately following beat "3" so you can be together for the chasse.

  4. Step 4

    Turn your head for the spot turn on beat "2" when you step and look directly forward. Try to keep that contact even as your body turns the half turn and then goes forward on beat "3." Then snap it back forward to face your partner before the chasses to your right.

  5. Step 5

    Keep your head facing forward for the chase even as you turn, so that it can snap quickly to face the direction you are going next, rather than turning your head with your body all at once. It is the same technique as the spot turn, so you may want to do a few of these just to get extra practice. For spotting, use your partner and another reference point behind you.

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